Monday, August 14, 2017

If the Shoe fits...

Today we went shoe shopping before school starts. Kids in elementary school go through shoes at warp speed. My eldest daughter muddied and soiled all her shoes in summer camp and she will be in dance class this season, which qualified her because of her age so she needed more shoes and sturdier ones. The younger one is entering kindergarten and just learned to tie her own shoes so we got her a pair of shoes with laces. Also she had more shoes at home that are unused. The fact that one of them got two shoes does not reflect on favoritism, it is because of necessity and appropriateness.

Also, the older one wanted name brand sneakers, I wanted to go on a tirade about when I was a kid, I only had tretorns which I bought with my own money because that is how my parents brought me up. Later I also got K-swiss , again from my own money. But I refrained from doing that because I see a more disturbing issue here, I think she wants name brand shoes because her friends have it, and I am very much against just going with peer pressure. One of my philosophies is to go against the flow, and I want them to learn that.